Creative Director & Visual Artist
Vasco Vicente is a Portuguese Artist, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Art Director, Writer, and Music Producer. Hailing from Lisbon, Vasco Vicente is a multifaceted creative force, excelling as an artist, graphic designer, illustrator, and more. His passion for art was evident by age 4, leading him to graduate from a prestigious Art School Academy and later earn a degree in Graphic Design and a Master's in Visual Cultures. Vasco's work, celebrated in platforms like Shots Magazine, Creative Review, and Mashable, masterfully blends language and visuals. He draws inspiration from pop culture, music, and street culture, moving effortlessly across disciplines, from typography and film to animation and art direction. Vasco, also known as V.V, is truly a modern Renaissance artist.
If you have a project you would like to collaborate on or simply want to say hello :)
Please reach out vv.workstudio@gmail.com
Lectures / Talks
Le book, Amsterdam 2019
Bold Design Festival, Madrid 2018
Brief Creative Festival,Design University Lecture with David Carson, Lisbon 2018
180 Heartbeats Agency, Warsaw, Poland 2017
Huddle Agency, Amsterdam Netherlands 2017
Password Festival 2016, Tallin Estonia 2016
Behance Portfolio 2015, Amsterdam Netherlands 2015
Creative Club Society6, Lisbon Portugal 2015
Cannes Imagination Day, Warsaw, Poland 2014
White Square Festival, Minsk, Belarus 2014
Graphic Design AD Festival, Milan Italy 2013
Ridley Scott Creative Group, Under Armour, Netflix, HBO Max, Apple +, Paramount Pictures, Peloton, Central Comedy, Nike, Adidas, EA, Wieden + Kennedy, AKQA, 72nSunny, Harrimansteel, Koto Studio, Uber, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, Footlocker, Airbnb, Heineken, Levis, Leaps by Bayer, Coca-Cola, Computer Arts, Viacom, Ted Global, Citizen, Tesco, Zonda, S7 Airlines, Jupiler, Uefa, Ge, InBev, Budweiser, Corona, Honda, Red Bull, Beeline, Milka, Carrera, Eye Film Museum, Spaces, BASF, Novartis, Fifa, Noord Skatepark, We Transfer.
Shows & Murals
Book Launch / OFFLINE by Vasco Vicente - Lokatie Gallery Amsterdam 2021
Skatepark Amsterdam NOORD Mural, 6.5m / 80m Amsterdam 2017
Social Animals Solo Art show 2015 Amsterdam, Wieden + Kennedy
Kosmopolite Urban Art show Murders of Mokum 2015 Amsterdam
Summer Phantom Guns & Butter Gallery 2014 Amsterdam
Mashup Art San Gantlet Gallery, San Francisco 2014
Mural Painting, Talen studio, Todos Lisbon 2013
Mural Painting, Metro 54 Art Festival Amsterdam 2012
Mural Painting, Wieden + Kennedy 2011
Superheroes Group Show D-Scructure Gallery, San Francisco 2011
Euro Show, Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam, 2011
24/7 Urbanites Show - Storytelling Mobile Photography, Amsterdam 2011
Awards / Honours
Shots Magazine, Discovery Channel, Vice, Creative Review and Cannes Festival.
Bronze Epica Awards - PR 2018 Corona - Shirt Ocean's week
Site of the Day awwwards 2018 - Corona - Whooohooo ( out of office generator )
Site of the Day FWA 2018 - Corona - Whooohooo ( out of office generator )
Gold Epica Awards - Best use of Music 2017 Nike Russia - What our girls are made of
Gold Epica Awards - Film 2017 Nike Russia - What our girls are made of
Silver Lia Awards - Film 2017 Nike Russia - What our girls are made of
Gold Lion - Film 2017 Nike Russia - What our girls are made of?
Cannes Shortlist - Film Craft 2017 Nike Russia - What our girls are made of?
Wood Pencil Film Advertising Crafts 2017 Nike Women Russia Use of Music for Film Advertising
Bronze Eurobest, 2016 Budweiser Infected ( Film Craft )
Shortlist Eurobest, 2016 Budweiser Infected ( Entertainment )
Shortlist Eurobest, 2016 Budweiser Infected ( Film )
Silver Best Music, Liaentries Fest, London 2016 Fifa 16 ( Film )
Gold VFX Fat Ciclope Festival, Barcelona 2016 Fifa 16 ( Film )
Shots Nomination Commercial of the Year 2016 Budweiser Infected ( Film )
Gold Laus, Design Festival, Barcelona 2016 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive )
Shortlist Eurobest, 2016 Budweiser Infected ( Film Craft )
Bronze Pencil, 2016 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive )
Silver Pencil, 2016 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive
Bronze Pencil, 2016 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive )
Silver Pencil, 2016 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive )
Grand Prix Eurobest, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive )
Grand PrSilver Pencil, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine( Interactive )
Silver Eurobest, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagine ( Film )
Webby Awwward , 2015 Citizen, Chasing Horizons ( Long form Branded )
Shortlist Clio, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine
Bronze Lion, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine Cyber (Branded games / live digital)
Bronze Lion, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine Outdoor Cyber (Interface & navigation)
Gold Lion, 2015 Citizen, Chasing Horizons Promo & Activation (use of promotional events and stunts)
Shortlist Cannes, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagine Media (Product & Service / travel, entertainment & stunts)
Shortlist Cannes, 2015 S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine Outdoor (Ambient / interactive outdoor experience)
Adobe Award, The cutting Edge Project of the Week , 2015 - S7 Airlines, Imagination Machine
Silver Lion , 2015 Citizen, Chasing Horizons Promo & Activation (Product & Service / other consumer products)
Silver Lion , 2015 - S7 Airlines, Imagine (travel, transportation, tourism)
Creative of the Year 2015, Portugal - Prémios Novos
Honor at Webby Awards, 2015 - Citizen, Chasing Horizons
Bronze Emerlad , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters, Ambient- Non Conventional indoor
Bronze Emerlad , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters, Best use of Media – Drink’s category
Gold Cristal, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters OOH-Integrated Led by OOH
Silver Eurobest Design , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Bronze Epica , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters in Media Innovation - Alternative Media
Bronze Epica , 2014 - Citizen, Better Starts Now (brand film) in Corporate Image
Epica Craft ShortList , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Bronze Lion ShortList , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Finalist ADC of Netherlands, 2014 - Nike, Play Russian
Gold Idea! Advertising Fest,Russia 2014 - Nike, Play Russian
M&M Global Award, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Silver Red Apple International Ad Fest, Russia 2014 - Nike, Play Russian
Bronze Lion ShortList , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters (Direct: Ambient Media - Large Scale)
Bronze Lion ShortList , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters (Direct: Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
Bronze Lion ShortList , 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters (Media: Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
Cannes ShortList Direct, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Cannes ShortList Media, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Cannes ShortList Promo, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Epica Craft Shortlist, 2014 - Citizen, Better Starts Now
FWA Shortlist, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Silver Lion, Minsk 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters (Outdoor: Integrated Campaigns led by Outdoor)
Gold IDEA AD FESTIVAL, Russia 2014 - Nike, Play Russian
Site of the Day Awwwards, 2014 - Heineken, The Legendary Posters
Gran Prix White Square Ad Festival, Minsk, 2014 - Nike Play Russian
White Square Ad Festival, Minsk 2014 - Nike, Play Russian
Shortlist AD Club Netherlands 2014 - Nike, Play Russian